
Contentment Does Not Become You; It Is You!

Are we not human beings? Instead we constantly believe we are human doings! This ingrained belief that what we do is who we are, is what keeps us from ever completely enjoying the essence of our being.

When meeting someone for the first time, after getting their name, we want to know what they do. This identification with occupation labels them into comfortable pigeon holed realities for us. In the same way we often identify not only our role, but our socio-economic status, beliefs, sensibilities and self worth around what we do.

Herein lies the hidden prison of identification with doing! If one is concerned solely with the role they play, whether janitor or CEO, father or mother, husband or son, they are bound by only doing what is called for in a prescribed reality. This is like an actor in a play or movie forgetting who they really are and continuing to be the character they play after the show is over.

Contentment comes not by doing but by being!

When all is said and done, when striving, conniving and the temporary pleasures and pains of a life of doing things is done, at the end of the day where does one go for peace? The answer is to Bed! Just to be in the state of deep sleep is to wake up refreshed and revitalized. This tells us that elusive contentment is as close to us as a good night’s sleep.

But there are ways to more consciously pursue an awareness of being in our waking state. Practices such as meditation or just being with oneself in stillness can bring contentment and fulfillment. Through such practices recognition comes that we are not just doers in this life but instead can allow our birthright of joyful being to emerge.

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