Thinking Can Make it Happen!

Self Created Troubles Rule – If we Let Them! The most often thought phrase we say in our mind is; How did I get myself into this?     Most difficulties that come our way are attracted by our own thoughts, preoccupations, worries and consequent behaviors and actions. Much like a prophet of doom, our own mind makes us worry for many things that will never occur. Consequently, this seemingly innate ability to draw the worst conclusions about what may happen negatively can bring the very things we dread to us! This has also been known as the self fulfilling prophecy. This phenomena of the mind to create outcomes with thoughts can make for both adverse and powerfully positive results. All it takes is a recognition that thought is conscious energy, that what we make of it inwardly will inevitably rebound on us outwardly. So why perpetuate a doom and gloom outlook, when shifting our thought perspective can bring us more fulfilling feelings and potentially satisfying outcomes? Its a matter of changing old thought habits, which like the grooves in a scratched vinyl record keep playing the same negative song line over and over again! Shift out of the rut of negative thought and watch everything in your life... Read More

Self Created Snow Jobs:

  Melting Away Dissatisfaction into Contentment: Ever watch snow melting? As it recedes in the sunlight, it’s almost imperceptible, but once the process begins it becomes very noticeable. One moment snow is there, the next time you look, its almost gone, as if it had never covered over everything. Snow acts a lot like congealed or contracted emotions that cover over our truest and most natural states of being! While dissatisfied or perturbed by something or someone our whole emotional tone appears overshadowed by these feelings. While allowing ourselves to focus on these negative emotions we remain frozen in disgruntlement and out of sorts. Much as what sunshine does to snow, by allowing the light of positive awareness to shine through us, recognition comes that we have a choice to let these obscuring feelings recede. Like the outer sunshine, that brilliant Source of  consciousness within, beckons us back to the natural contented warmth of our heart. When emotional disturbances recede, our true nature of Peace and Contentment can emerge! Its as simple as allowing ourselves to remember that we always have a choice to stay stuck in disappointments and disturbed emotions or to let the light of inner consciousness, whose very nature is tranquility, shine through, subtly dissipating these self created negative snow banks. All we have to do is to remain patient with... Read More

Tossing the Unneeded: Removing Obstacles to Contentment

  This is an excerpt from my new book Conscious Contentment; Your Roadmap to a Life of Fulfillment, go to this Amazon link to read further excerpts: BANISHING REGRETS: THE SHAME & BLAME GAME Regrets about the past are as much an obstacle to contentment now as worry is to the future. We can’t change anything that’s already happened unless there’s a time machine out there, somewhere. All the regrets and self-blame about what we did or didn’t do in the past make no difference in the present, except to insure the continuation of a negative mindset. Is misery what you want? If not, then learning from past mistakes while applying corrective action now is the only approach that makes sense, because transforming old transgressions into healing is solely our responsibility. If we don’t do this, then carrying regrets long enough leads to becoming guilt-ridden. This misdirected preoccupation with past actions creates so much needless suffering, that our natural ability to be content is stifled. Instead of allowing the past to control our present, and regrets to fester and plague our lives as guilt, it’s essential to take proactive steps if we want to put these “obstacles to happiness” to... Read More

Contentment Does Not Become You; It Is You!

Are we not human beings? Instead we constantly believe we are human doings! This ingrained belief that what we do is who we are, is what keeps us from ever completely enjoying the essence of our being. When meeting someone for the first time, after getting their name, we want to know what they do. This identification with occupation labels them into comfortable pigeon holed realities for us. In the same way we often identify not only our role, but our socio-economic status, beliefs, sensibilities and self worth around what we do. Herein lies the hidden prison of identification with doing! If one is concerned solely with the role they play, whether janitor or CEO, father or mother, husband or son, they are bound by only doing what is called for in a prescribed reality. This is like an actor in a play or movie forgetting who they really are and continuing to be the character they play after the show is over. Contentment comes not by doing but by being! When all is said and done, when striving, conniving and the temporary pleasures and pains of a life of doing things is done, at the end of the day... Read More