Self Created Snow Jobs:


Melting Away Dissatisfaction into Contentment:

Ever watch snow melting? As it recedes in the sunlight, it’s almost imperceptible, but once the process begins it becomes very noticeable. One moment snow is there, the next time you look, its almost gone, as if it had never covered over everything.

Snow acts a lot like congealed or contracted emotions that cover over our truest and most natural states of being! While dissatisfied or perturbed by something or someone our whole emotional tone appears overshadowed by these feelings. While allowing ourselves to focus on these negative emotions we remain frozen in disgruntlement and out of sorts. Much as what sunshine does to snow, by allowing the light of positive awareness to shine through us, recognition comes that we have a choice to let these obscuring feelings recede. Like the outer sunshine, that brilliant Source of  consciousness within, beckons us back to the natural contented warmth of our heart.

When emotional disturbances recede, our true nature of Peace and Contentment can emerge!

Its as simple as allowing ourselves to remember that we always have a choice to stay stuck in disappointments and disturbed emotions or to let the light of inner consciousness, whose very nature is tranquility, shine through, subtly dissipating these self created negative snow banks. All we have to do is to remain patient with ourselves and let nature take its course, once we remember to re-set our inner thermostat to defrost disgruntlement over disturbances and perceived upsets.

A cover up of a scandal or anything unpleasant is often referred to as a snow job or BS, yet we often rationalize self created emotional disturbances in the same way. We often refuse to acknowledge complicity to ourselves, for perpetuating negative emotional states, by conveniently forgetting we have a choice in allowing them to melt away simply by shifting focus and letting nature take her course.

Snow will accumulate in winter, much as negative emotional disturbances will come to everyone when certain conditions are ripe. Yet below the surface the ground remains the same contented earth from which all life comes and returns. We can allow true inner nature’s warmth to melt away the false covering or the self created snow job by remembering to shift focus after the emotional blizzards have dumped their load on us and return to contentment’s thaw.