
Thinking Can Make it Happen!

Self Created Troubles Rule – If we Let Them!

The most often thought phrase we say in our mind is; How did I get myself into this?     Most difficulties that come our way are attracted by our own thoughts, preoccupations, worries and consequent behaviors and actions. Much like a prophet of doom, our own mind makes us worry for many things that will never occur. Consequently, this seemingly innate ability to draw the worst conclusions about what may happen negatively can bring the very things we dread to us! This has also been known as the self fulfilling prophecy. This phenomena of the mind to create outcomes with thoughts can make for both adverse and powerfully positive results. All it takes is a recognition that thought is conscious energy, that what we make of it inwardly will inevitably rebound on us outwardly.

So why perpetuate a doom and gloom outlook, when shifting our thought perspective can bring us more fulfilling feelings and potentially satisfying outcomes? Its a matter of changing old thought habits, which like the grooves in a scratched vinyl record keep playing the same negative song line over and over again!

Shift out of the rut of negative thought and watch everything in your life lighten up!

Positive affirmations can be of great help when these ingrained old thought habits attempt to overcome us with negativity. The human mind is truly amazing, as psychologists have observed, in that it can focus on only one series of thoughts at a time and can’t hold two opposing thoughts at the same instant. We can use this known mental mechanism to shift to more positive or neutral thinking when negative thought patterns rear their discordant head in our mind’s eye.

So instead of repeating this old stinking thinking negativity and having to say to ourselves – “there I go again” –  the choice is always ours to shift to more positive life affirming thoughts. Then we can think to ourselves as a refrain the phrase; What a great life I have!